Your name
Eleanor Swordy
Your current location
Brooklyn, New York
Your favorite pastime
Coffee talk
Something you like
Colorful language
Something you dislike
Your defining characteristic
What would someone close to you say your defining characteristic is
Your favorite artist
Not falling for this one
Favorite word or phrase
Get the show on the road
What aspect of your work is most important to you
Seeing it though, it usually doesn’t get good until the end
Who do you admire the most and why
Shout-out to all of the altruistic and resourceful folks helping us get through this thing
Your worst habit
Pretending that being hermetic is my best habit
The first thing you think of in the morning
5 more minutes
What have you always wanted to do and have not done
Drive across the country
Your best decision
Running away to New York
Your worst decision
Hard to say
Your favorite street and why
Hendrix Street: I live there and the neighbors will text each other if someone forgets to move their car on alternate side days.
What made you become the person you are
6 million years of evolution
Something that you treasure
You know who you are ;)
What would the child you once were think of the adult you have become
"Is this a joke?"
Your greatest fear
Being paralyzed by fear